OAS Law Firm



It is important for organizations to balance the interests of stakeholders, such as shareholders, management, customers, suppliers, financiers, government, and the community at large while ensuring they are conforming to specific laws, contracts, regulations and policies. We are here to provide pragmatic advice and help you achieve this balance with ease.

Our knowledge of corporate governance and compliance ensures we adequately advise our clients on best practices on corporate governance procedures and developments. We advise and assist diverse businesses, organisations and their respective boards, management and employees with implementing, maintaining and refining corporate and contractual standards and controls, identifying and mitigating exposure to risk. We assist with adherence to business ethics, conducting internal audits and investigations to analyse, assess and recommended action in relation to misconduct, collusion, money laundering, fraud, sexual offences, general corporate governance and leadership assessments.
We have advised a top restaurant with its compliance with state and federal laws inclusive of HSE for a bid at an international oil and gas company.